We present the resident Studio Noor

Studio Noor is a small design studio consisting of young and curious designers with big ideas. They are a colorful and fresh breath in the Bergen rain, with great commitment to create a positive change. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, they will develop products that correspond to a circular race, go in depth on materials and challenge people's relationship to objects and surroundings.

Studio Noor works to create a meeting point for sharing experience, information, contacts and commitment for local actors. This is to create a greater breadth in knowledge and development aimed at socially engaging topics. In this way, they can promote the local environment in Western Norway.

We welcome Studio Noor as resident in our community and look forward to prosper bioregional projects.


Mia Åkerlund
Interior architect, Creative Director

Marthe Høyheim Lægreid
Designer, CEO




Dounia El Allouch is our new resident